There are quite a few types of reels available on the market, and they all have a unique set of perks and cons. No, braided line doesn’t have the memory problem like mono and fluorocarbon fishing line so you don’t have to soak it. Secure the line to the reel with a rubber band. Simply place a rubber band around the line on the reel to hold it in place. If your reel has a tab on the side, wrapping the line around it will also hold everything in place.
Maintain light tension on the line by either pinching it down on the pole, or by holding it between your fingers as you turn the reel handle. Continue loading the reel until the line is about 1/8th of an inch from the edge. Cut the line to separate it from the line spool. Having a good line is possibly the most important decision you make when you know how to how to line a fly fishing rod. There is a lot of knowledge that goes into making these products, but their creators often…
Step 7
Check that the spool of line unwinds the same direction as the reel turns. If they do not match, you’ll have unnecessary twists and knots. If they are not the same direction, simple flip the spool to have the directions match.
A heavier pole may be too much for a child or someone who isn’t very strong. Likewise, a light pole may not be able to handle the weight of a large fish. Great post, I always surprises me how something so simple can be messed up – even by us most experienced fishers. I managed to insert the line in that little slot between the runner and the rod attachment the other day and wondered why my line snapped on first catch.
Like with the other types of rods, the rod’s spool will have a small hollow in the middle where the line rests. Wrap it around this hollow twice so that you’ll have enough to line to tie in place. For Baitcaster rods, you’ll need to stick a pencil through the spool and have someone else hold it. Alternatively, purchase a reel spooler or make one by placing the spool on a screwdriver pushed through a cardboard box. Choose the appropriate strength of rod and line. The size and weight of the fish can help you determine what you’ll need in construction your fishing pole.
Part 3 of 4:Choosing a Lure
You can also simply run it through the final big loop nearest the reel and then thread it up through the rod when finished. Knot it against the reel so the line doesn’t come undone. You can do this with a slip knot, clinch knot, or arbor knot. Make sure the line is securely tied and tight before you move on. Most rods have four to five guides, or eyelets, attached to the rod.
A pole that is strung incorrectly can leave you with a faulty string or one that won’t stay in place. This means that your reel may slip from your hands and cost you the fish of a lifetime. On spinning reels, the bail is the little wire arm hanging off the reel. Lift the line up to open the bail, and lift it down to close the bail.

Bonny Fryer has always been interested in animals, even since she was born. This interest led her to get a degree in Veterinary Medicine and start working as a veterinarian when she was only 22 years old. She is now 44 years old and still works as a veterinarian. She loves her job and finds it very fulfilling to help animals stay healthy and happy.