Offshore Fishing v Inshore Fishing: Know the Differences

This is especially true in areas of sand or muddy bottom with no grass. Docks and bridges provide shade, cover, a break from the current, and food. Inshore fishing will be inside “state” waters, so you must follow the State of Florida Fishing Regulations. Please stay safe and review the rules before dropping a line.

what is inshore fishing

When it comes to inshore fishing, you have a different scenario. This means that you don’t need the amenities that you’d want with an offshore boat. Sleeping quarters and bathrooms are not needed although they certainly can be nice.


Grass flats are a magnet for inshore game fish as they provide ample feeding opportunities. The grass on shallow flats offers bait plenty of hiding opportunities and food for them as well. Mangrove snapper are a staple of Florida inshore anglers. They can be found throughout the entire state, but the fishing improves the further south you go.

The key when fishing mangroves is to eliminate unproductive areas. Changes in depth, changes in bottom vegetation, and irregular shorelines are all spots that will hold fish. Experience level is also important to consider when picking a trip, with nearshore trips generally requiring stronger and more complex tackle to target bigger fish in deeper water.

Get the Right Inshore Fishing Boat from Scout

This may sound like a contradiction, but the larger fish are loners. They are often found cruising the shallow water grass flats. Fish are easily spooked in water that is only a couple feet deep. It is also a bit more difficult to catch these fish in a water column that is so narrow. We offer fishing trips in our exclusive, luxurious boats. You’ll have the whole boat to yourself–perfect for family or friends!

What is Inshore Fishing – Understanding

Boat also contains a satellite TV, 96nm radar, satellite phone, and satellite weather.Depending on the kind of fishing you do, you may have very different priorities. An offshore fishing excursion can take a half day of your time and host an entire family as a great way to spend time during vacation. And inshore fishing can be as simple as grabbing a rod and killing some time. Typically, inshore fishing targets smaller fish while offshore fishing targets those bigger “trophy” catches.

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