A shorter, three-foot net will be easier to throw but cover less area making it harder to catch bait. Weight is listed as pound per foot of the net’s circumference. A net with 3/4-pound of lead per square foot is light enough to throw with little effort, but it will sink slowly, making it best for shallow water. Deep water requires a pound or more of lead per foot.
Check the lead line to ensure it’s not flipped over the braille lines. Learn how to register your vessel, boating laws and more. Choose a flat, open space outdoors where it won’t accidentally get snagged or torn.
Cast Net FISHING 22×48 (56 x 122 cm) oils on canvas painting by artist RUSTY RUST / M-475
A basic cast net is a giant circle of netting with weighted edges. The net is attached to a line so that it can be retrieved, and another line is attached to a drawstring which can be used to pull the net closed, trapping fish inside. As a general rule, a cast net is designed to be thrown by hand, but it is also possible to use a net thrower or net launcher, especially for big nets, which can be hard to handle. Because the net will start to close as it sinks deeper into the water, you’ll get the best results if you’re using the largest net possible.
Posted: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Hold the yoke of the cast net in your left hand and hold the cast net up in the air, fully extended. Shake the net out and make sure the lead line around the bottom is not tangled or caught on itself. I am a firm believer that anyone can throw a cast net with some practice. Most people that tell me they cannot throw a net either have not paid attention to how to correctly throw or have not devoted enough effort to practice. Fishing from shore with a round or conical shaped net with a weighted outer perimeter that is thrown over fish. U.S. fisheries are classified under the Marine Mammal Protection Act according to the level of interactions that result in incidental mortality or serious injury of marine mammals.
How to Throw Cast Net Perfectly in the River
How to throw a cast net the easy way with simple to follow step by step instructions. Everything you need to learn how to throw a cast net the easy way. If you’re left-handed you will need to reverse the hands that you use.
Deep water cast fishing is also the perfect time to practice opening your net fully as this will further increase your fish-catching surface area. “Thank God my dad wasn’t a podiatrist,” jokes Ric about following in the footsteps of a famous outdoor writer. When the kayak fishing scene exploded, Ric was among the first to get onboard. When he’s not chasing every fish that swims, Ric teaches English at a school for at-risk teens.

Bonny Fryer has always been interested in animals, even since she was born. This interest led her to get a degree in Veterinary Medicine and start working as a veterinarian when she was only 22 years old. She is now 44 years old and still works as a veterinarian. She loves her job and finds it very fulfilling to help animals stay healthy and happy.